
Ask Bobby Jindal About His Creationism

Last Mohican2/21/2009 9:19:13 am PST

re: #119 tradewind

Just saying…
Anyone who thinks that religion is really a huge factor in the American presidental vote didn’t pay attention to this last one.
A member of a totally hateful church, with a sketchy religious background before that, educated for a time at an early age in a madrassa, with muslim relatives, won
I’m not lobbying for or against Jindal. Just pointing out a truth.

Well that’s true. But only because the entire media establishment strictly censored Obama’s past, in order to ensure that he was elected. They won’t censor Jindal’s past. In fact, they’ll embellish it with even more outlandish stories, as they did with Sarah Palin. It’s kind of hard to see how anyone will beat Obama with this kind of Stalin-esque manipulation of information going on. I’m glad that American journalism waited until after the dawning of the internet age to devolve to this level.