
14th Amendment Under Attack in Arizona

Birth Control Works1/27/2011 6:07:08 pm PST

re: #126 Killgore Trout

Let’s not pretend this is really about immigration. They’re not worried about Canadians here. If they thought they could get away with including the term “non-White” they would have.

Well, if it was Serbians coming into the country in the same numbers and having the same crime rate, etc… ., yes, it would be about immigration. We’ve seen it with every major influx of immigrants -Irish are what mostly come to mind.

I think the fact that Mexico is so close and there are a faction of Hispanics who talk about “Reconquista” and drug-crime is such an issue, just fan the flames.

The world is changing fast, and people are having a hard time with it. I think this is a big reaction to some major paradigm shifts—many minds can’t cope so they are digging their heals in and trying to create a vision of the past they’d like to return to.

Not excusing, just trying to understand. These people need therapy and/or meds.

I have no plans to go with them.