
SPLC: Rage on the Right

JCW3/05/2010 11:28:08 am PST

The identification of right-wing political violence has been identified, but it is a symptom of a disorder within our polity. The question is “why is it increasing?”

I attribute it to an increase in Injustice, which is being implemented by government encroachment upon civil society.

When people choose to work through government, we essentially ask, “How can we use force to solve this problem?” which is perfectly correct when it comes to the use of retaliatory force used to protect individual rights.

When people choose to work through civil society, we essentially ask, “How can we through free association solve this problem or seize that opportunity?” which is the correct method for most social cooperation.

Using health care “reform” as an example, the actual question being asked is “How can we force dissenters into a shared risk pool so that we can cover revenue and resource short falls in existing government health care schemes?” This exemplifies the injustice that delegitimized a government by distracting it from its legitimate functions, such as administering an objective court system for resolving disputes, such a medical malpractice claims.

The legitimacy of a government is essential for maintaining its legitimate monopoly on force. That legitimacy requires government to be exclusively focused upon the protection of individual rights.