
Christine O'Donnell Falsely Claims to Have Studied at Claremont Graduate School

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/29/2010 2:26:35 am PDT

This is choice - On Murdoch’s NY Post this morning they posted a short article:

I do Christ’s work: Obama

Calling himself a “Christian by choice,” President Obama yesterday said he thinks his work in public service is a reflection of his commitment to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

He provided the candid assessment of his faith after an audience member at a campaign-style event in New Mexico asked why he was a Christian.

Obama — who up to 1 in 4 Americans believes is a Muslim — called his mother “the most spiritual” person, but said his family members weren’t weekly churchgoers.

“I came to my Christian faith later in life, and it was because the precepts of Jesus Christ spoke to me in terms of the kind of life that I would want to lead — being my brothers’ and sisters’ keeper, treating others as they would treat me,” he said

Short and sweet. Even though it was posted in the wee hours of the morn there is one comment - a classic Murdoch-product inspired one at that:

What Hypocracy . You Marxist Muslim, you have a nerve even mentioning Jesus Christ . You think what you are doing is Christ’s work ? You’re an abomination and your actions in destroying America will get you a choice spot in Hell when you meet your real Master . And brother, that’s one time that big purple mouth of yours will be shut, and those big jug-ears of yours will be forced to listen. You’ve made some idiotic proclamations in the past , but this one is deplorable . Hasn’t anyone told you that if you are a Christian you cannot be for Abortion ? Or did that little fact escape your 6 week crash course with the Rev. Wright , who is another one who isn’t a Christian . You , Pelosi, Biden, Dodd, Giuliani , and Cuomo sr. are of the same mold . None of you are Christians, and the others aren’t Catholic by any means. They’re excommunicated and they know it. Just because Biden walks out before the cameras on Ash Wednesday with ashes on his forehead, and he drops a nickle into the basket once a year, doesn’t make him a Catholic . He’s another one who will find out his fate for selling his soul to be your flunky . Imagine , a Caucasian wanting to be second fiddle to a Half-Breed ? That little coup told me all I needed to know about you , Joe.

Well, that’s as characteristic of the far right wingnuts as anything.