
Fox News/GOP Debate in Myrtle Beach: The Wrap-Up

simoom1/17/2012 12:34:46 am PST

As to that remark that earned fmr. Spkr. Gingrich a standing ovation the SC debate (FNC transcript):

WILLIAMS: The suggestion that he made was about a lack of work ethic. And I’ve got to tell you, my e-mail account, my Twitter account has been inundated with people of all races who are asking if your comments are not intended to belittle the poor and racial minorities.
You saw some of this reaction during your visit…
… to a black church in South Carolina. You saw some of this during your visit to a black church in South Carolina, where a woman asked you why you refer to President Obama as “the food stamp president.” It sounds as if you are seeking to belittle people.
GINGRICH: Well, first of all, Juan, the fact is that more people have been put on food stamps by Barack Obama than any president in American history.
Now, I know among the politically correct, you’re not supposed to use facts that are uncomfortable.
Second, you’re the one who earlier raised a key point. There’s — the area that ought to be I-73 was called by Barack Obama a corridor of shame because of unemployment. Has it improved in three years? No. They haven’t built the road. They haven’t helped the people. They haven’t done anything.

I’m pretty sure the reason President Obama was unsuccessful in his efforts to repair the dilapidated “corridor of shame” schools was because fmr. SC Gov. Mark Sanford rejected 700+ million of the SC stimulus to score cheap political points (at the expense of his constituents).

At this point, most 18 year olds would be coasting through their last weeks in high school.

But Casey Edwards is taking Governor Mark Sanford all the way to the state Supreme Court over the governor’s refusal to accept federal stimulus money - some $700 million in aid for South Carolina’s schools.

“The fact that we’re going to turn down money when we desperately need it, really bothered me,” Edwards said.

Over the past year, Edwards and her friends have been working to improve impoverished schools along South Carolina’s I-95 - a stretch of rural districts known as the Corridor of Shame, reports CBS News correspondent Jeff Glor.

Bud Ferillo made a documentary about the issue, “Corridor of Shame: The Neglect of South Carolina’s Rural Schools.”

In a statement, the governor told CBS News he’s “looking out for school children who will be forced to pay back the so-called stimulus bill.”

South Carolina’s legislature has voted to accept the money, but the governor is expected to veto the bill.