
Overnight Reflection Thread

Hengineer11/05/2009 3:41:13 am PST

re: #140 razorbacker

Somewhat related:

As I was shivering 12 feet up in an oak tree the other day, it occurred to me the real reason that hunting is fading away.

Video games. The new ones when played on HD sets are amazing.

Now consider. I may go all muzzle-loader season, and all modern gun season and only fire twice, three times, or maybe not at all. And I’m in the weather, uncomfortable, rained on, perched on a tiny seat or busting my way through briars and brush.

Can’t compare to sitting in my underwear on the recliner sipping a drink and munching chips while blasting away at target after target.

And you don’t even get your hands bloody.

But you get carpal tunnel like a motha!.


When you think about it, its a much safer alternative. You’d think Animal Rights organizations would prop up the video game industry as a way to save animals! How many of you tried shooting pigeons as a kid with BB guns? And are now shooting deer with higher calibre weaponry?
Besides, people like PETA are for population control and think animals have more rights than humans. If someone kills virtual people, its no skin off their back.