
SPLC: Rage on the Right

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)3/05/2010 11:28:14 am PST

re: #138 marjoriemoon

I can’t exactly parse what you’re saying, but to re-restate: I don’t even think Bush’s lack of focus on terrorism was a ‘mistake’. In hindsight, it was. Some of the resources the FBI was put towards, for example, were definitely not the best use of their time— but attaching that to Bush is silly.

Whatever I believe about President Bush, I firmly believe that had he felt that the threat from terrorists was as great as it turned out to be, he would have done everything he could to prevent it.

So I agree with you on the hindsight thing, and I have no way of knowing if the lack of focus on terrorism can in any way honestly be called a mistake.