
Incredible Jazz Duo DOMi & JD BECK: "WHATUP"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus6/25/2022 4:31:22 pm PDT

re: #142 Barefoot Grin

The rise of dudebro-ism ( I’m trying to think of a better word) among young males has me thinking that the next generation is not going to do to well.

If one looks at the outpouring of the most idiotic, juvenile posts on the mass of online social media, one can see this movement.

Gamergate was the first really big explosion of this that got wider attention.

Since then we have seen this spread.

The toxic fandom problem is largely this dudebroism.

Masculinity is a genetic programming trait that cannot be easily managed by social pressures. It can be managed, but not easily.

In some ways this is the heart of the Islamist violence, whether AQ or ISIS.

Young men being exploited because of their need to prove something.

This is why Elon Musk is seen as a hero - he’s the uber male for the 21st century: a billionaire who can say stupid things and be praised for them.

Some time back, when I was first getting on my soapbox (here) about worldview collapse, I brought up this need to have a new humanism movement.

We need that because we have to counter the (genetic programming) urge towards violence and domination expressed by males, especially young males as they are exiting puberty.

In the old days the church/king simply hired these guys to go die somewhere. Whoever survived could come back and be humbled a bit (unless it was a noble who decided he ought to be king but that is another problem.)