
Pamela Geller: The Muslim Brotherhood Controls Every Agency of the US Government

iceweasel2/10/2010 3:38:40 pm PST

re: #138 tradewind

More like ’ many people are frustrated and angered by the pentagon’s stubborn refusal to admit and present the facts that that a) radical Islam and jihadist thinking was a major factor in the attack and that b) political correctness and squeamishness by top brass to call the doctor on his radicalism allowed him to carry out the murders.

Ah yes, the ‘political correctness’ meme. That’s also been popular.
The Pentagon was, rightly, looking at specific failures in the chain of command and oversight. They weren’t in the business of writing a polemic on Islam or ‘pc’. And rightly so.
Besides, we have wingnuts to do that elsewhere.