
Is the NSA Out of Control? What Does the Data Say?

Charmingly Persistent8/20/2013 8:26:16 am PDT

What is frustrating me the most is the lack of demand for evidence. We are supposed to be the reality based community, but I am seeing endless twitters breathlessly passing along the latest conspiracy rumor as Proven. Fact!

I am naturally skeptical of government and the surveillance apparatus. Just show me that the NSA is listening in on Americans’ conversations or pulling data without warrants. Or even make the case that while they are within the law, the law is too broad and should be changed.

I am naturally inclined to believe that customs officials are officious dicks who overstep their power. Just show me that they did this time and I will be on your side.

But these flat out conclusory statements that I am supposed to believe because they are asserted really loud just don’t do it for me. Especially when someone does show some evidence they usually start to fall apart.