
Another Big Shoe Drops: Mueller Issues Indictments Against Russian Troll Farm for Working to Elect Donald Trump

Hecuba's daughter2/16/2018 12:32:45 pm PST

re: #71 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

Dee Dee
Replying to @mitchellvii
Turns out Russia did exactly what I’ve said all along and the loony left fell right into their trap and helped do their dirty work. Russia’s goal was to sew discord and the left went right along with it and continue to work towards Russia’s goal today.

Jeff Furlington
The people you call “the loony left” are the reality based community. You’re responding to a propagandist, who helps keep the American-right in a fantasy-world.
1:41 PM - Feb 16, 2018
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Larry Goudge
Replying to @DavinaTaff1 @mitchellvii
Teach your youngsters on how to recognize a left wing instructor and let you know. You should expose this activity and demand a stop to the brainwashing. This is a Marxist recruitment tool.

Jeff Furlington
Right-wing propagandists call mainstream Americans “Marxists”. Hate-radio-far-right blogs, and Fox News have destroyed a lot of minds.
1:42 PM - Feb 16, 2018

I don’t know Dee Dee — but I do know left wing LockHerUppers and HillaryForJail people — they were as gullible as the right wing and spread these lies as eagerly.