
Breaking: Shooting Attack at Las Vegas Federal Building

Walter L. Newton1/04/2010 1:30:52 pm PST

Ok, during the last presidential election, it was the everyones fault BUT lousy government regulation (such as the CRA), and Barney Frank etal. was ripping the GOP a new asshole claiming the mortgage fiasco was not brought on by all the clever schemes to get everyone and their grandmother into a house, no matter what the outcome.

Now that the election is over, now that they think the public has forgot who was or wasn’t to blame, now we do a 1984 sort of reversal and the truth comes out…

“The Federal Reserve chairman told the American Economic Association that exotic new mortgages and lending to borrowers who could not hope to repay their loans were chief causes of the sharp increase in home prices that ran from the late 1990s until 2006 and whose collapse hurt millions of Americans.”

More and more, month after month, sometimes even weeks apart, I find concrete examples of Newspeak, doublespeak (holding two opposing concepts in the mind as truth at the same time).

It does happen…