
An Interesting Discrepancy in First Look's Public Statements, Presented for Your Perusal

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam3/02/2014 1:36:03 am PST

re: #146 TedStriker

As a Scouter, an Eagle Scout, and the brother of a gay man, I’ll tell those God-bothering folks who went over to the gay-free Trail Life org this: Good luck with that, because if you’re gonna be that way towards those whose only real fault (in your eyes) is that they are gay, towards people who may be among your family, your co-workers, or your friends, then I don’t want or need you in Scouting.

My prediction: Trail Life may get some traction among the fundie Christian homeschool crowd, but a BSA killer it ain’t and likely never will be. I lump these folks in with the other “the BSA/GSA doesn’t have enough Jesus” youth orgs such as the Royal Ambassadors and the Royal Rangers.

In the long run, the BSA will be fine, because people like me outnumber people like them.

The BSA has a lot of years of traction behind it. It’s weathered several wars, xenophobia and desegregation. Those folks who want to send their boys to dorky Trail Life should be careful the screen door doesn’t smack them on the way out.

Also, don’t tell anyone, but there’s probably gays in Trail Life, too. Shhh!