
Breitbart "News" Threatening to Sue "Major Media Company" for (Accurately) Labeling Them "White Nationalist"

Targetpractice11/15/2016 5:35:10 pm PST

re: #143 A Cranky One

Given the changes to Trump’s speech patterns and vocabulary in the last decade, his refusal to delve into the details of the job he’s about to undertake and the inability to keep even trivial lies consistent, I suspect that Trump’s mental facilities are failing. This may be the reason for his desire to have his kids and kid-in-law included in the highest level briefings. I can picture them coaching him about what happened or guiding him toward decisions because he can’t keep any details straight. And he can’t trust anyone to keep the secret other than family.

Damn. That’s even more depressing. Bad Cranky One, Bad!

Hey, maybe as more information comes out about Trump/Putin ties, the Republicans will use their super duper plan devised for Hillary: impeach Trump before he takes office.


Considering how many times during the past year that we’ve learned that Trump was accusing Hillary of things he was actually guilty of, would it really surprise anybody to find out that Trump’s mental faculties are going and the next four years will basically be a replay of the Reagan admin where his appointed cabal of underlings ran wild with the power he gave them?