
iPhone 3.0 Preview

zombie3/16/2009 1:05:44 pm PDT

re: #131 Researcher…MO

That’s what I do too! As a windows user I use qwikpwn, I used to use ziphone but he stopped updating after 1.1.4, and I like being on the newest release. I generally wait a bit, so the bugs can be worked out, and then away I go! Last time I had a real scare when I bricked my phone 3 times in a row and simply couldn’t get the pwn to work. After some online research I moved to a different computer and pwn’d from there, worked just fine, except I had to set up a different computer to sync to!

I did it without the slightest glitch on the first try. I think pwn-ing is easier with a computer running an Apple OS, because it interlinks with the iPhone’s OS more effortlessly.