
Saturday Night Jam: Bill Laurance, "One Time"

The Spite House7/31/2016 7:09:48 am PDT

re: #144 darthstar

The Khans were but a single moment in the Democratic Convention that differentiated the parties in stark ways. It could have remained so - and I suspect the GOP would have preferred it be but one emotional moment that faded quickly - except Donald Trump doesn’t know how to admit when he’s fucked. Here we are, four days later, and they’re still getting more air time than Jeb! got in all of February and Trump just keeps on digging.

Maybe his master plan is to just be so offensive nobody is able to comprehend a leader not being like that? I don’t know if watching Idiocracy is the best way to model a campaign.

A man you can bait with a tweet…

Seriously, there is no plan.