
Beer Brings Us All Together

Rancher7/30/2009 3:48:41 pm PDT

There was profiling here, no doubt. Obama just knew the white cop had to be in the wrong. I like what VDH had to say:

Recently, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates got into a spat with a white policeman who arrested him in his own home for disorderly conduct. Gates immediately cried racism. He argued that his own plight was emblematic of the burdens that the black underclass endures daily from a racist white America.

But Gates is one of the highest-paid humanities professors in the United States. And Gates — not the middle-class Cambridge, Mass., white cop — engaged in shouting and brought up race. Within hours, the African-American mayor of Cambridge, the African-American governor of Massachusetts, and the African-American president of the United States all rallied to their chum’s side.

Yet this well-connected, well-paid Harvard resident apparently wants us to believe that he is living under something like the United States of many decades ago.