
Stormfront or SJW?

KiTA5/01/2015 7:24:05 am PDT

Amazing how this diary went from -2 to -12 instantly. On Reddit we call that “brigading” and “downvote trolling,” when someone brings attention to something they don’t like and gets other people to intentionally downvote it.

Specially since that’s what just happened, albeit without apparent malicious intent.

re: #12 RadicalModerate

There is a significant amount of bad press that is coming out about the movement lately, most recently the fact that the GG members getting tossed from the Calgary Comic Expo by the Calgary Police Department - and banned from attending any future events.

It should be noted that the group announced their intention to attend the convention was on the militant MRA “A voice for men” website.

Actually, they announced it on their own website, wherein they took donations to attend.

As an aside, note how they didn’t even attempt to contact the HBB people for their stance on things. Demonization of “the other,” tribalism, etc etc. You can usually tell when there’s a attempt at framing a narrative going on when you see bad journalism like that.

You’re not supposed to consider that they might have had an alternate viewpoint, that the facts might not line up with the official story, you’ve been told they’re “scum” and dammit, you’re supposed to Listen and Believe.