
The Bob Cesca Show: Tyranny Tuesday

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷5/16/2017 4:51:48 pm PDT

Carried over from the last thread:

re: #445 Jack Burton

I’d say at least half of flounces that resulted in ban + delete were people leaving and going out of their way to try to make a statement or get a last word in.

Many were the “I’m mad at you please delete my account” type of posts. You don’t need your account deleted, especially don’t need to request it publicly. Just don’t use it and go away.

Well, if I was leaving a site, I would privately message the owner to delete an account, mostly so it isn’t compromised by someone else in the future.

A public “goodbye cruel world” post is more of a “look at me, I need attention”