
John Oliver on the Plague of Pig Butchering Scams

Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)2/29/2024 11:19:41 am PST

re: #8 lawhawk

Far too many people fall for this, and lose everything. But many wont admit to being scammed, so they suffer in silence, which is why the toll from these scams is likely far greater than the $3 billion cited in the piece.

If you back a year or so, to the segment that Oliver did about time-shares, the quotes that the poor old ladies who had been scammed out of all their money kept saying was ā€œIā€™m ashamed to tell my kids that their entire inheritance is gone.ā€

These scammers are good, and they prey on the naivete of trusting Americans, many of whom have never traveled more than 50 miles from the spot they were born. They are a plague.