
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel6/17/2009 11:45:34 pm PDT

re: #9 Fenway_Nation

We already knew that, but what compelled you to point that out now?

Every once in a while it has to be said. Like every time I make the mistake of reading something by her.

She’s just…gah….oh I can’t stand her. She’s the epitome of the emptyheaded beltway media, churning out vacuous crap and passing it off as some kind of insight. And it’s accepted as such! Is it any wonder our media sucks so badly and our political discourse is generally in such crappy shape when someone like her has one of the cushiest spots in journalism? “Journamalism”, I should say.

Anyway, I read this piece of drool and my head exploded. May need a drink now.