
Hoffman Vows to Continue Storming the Castle

Killgore Trout11/04/2009 10:43:54 am PST

It’s official, we’ve been evicted…
Cato: The GOP Should Dump the Neocons

The neocons are predictably enthused about the prospect of a prolonged U.S. occupation there. A dozen or so of them recently sent a letter to President Obama urging him to up the ante. Astonishingly, the president who was elected as the antiwar left’s protest candidate appears poised to take the neocons’ advice and commit tens of thousands more troops to a conflict in which immediate U.S. interests are unclear at best.

The “tea parties” and town hall meetings are essentially libertarian. There is no conservative policy agenda — only a demand that the government stop trying to run our lives.

Republicans should take this opportunity to return to their traditional noninterventionist roots and throw their neoconservative wing under the bus. The Republicans have a chance at this moment to reclaim the mantle of the party of nonintervention — in your healthcare, in your wallet and in the affairs of other nations.

Normally this isolationist nonsense was left to Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan. It’s now a mainstream view on the right.