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The Ghost of a Flea1/22/2015 8:38:13 pm PST

re: #79 #FergusonFireside

We are not fucking Saudi Arabia, and the comparison to woman’s rights here is the ultimate duck and cop out Dark.

We are supposed to be better. We should never compare ourselves to SA.

Oh the night of conservative misogyny.

We’re not Saudi Arabia.

Unless you’re a Quiverfull wife, or have a husband that’s into Gothard’s Institute of Basic Life Principles. Or a Christian Patriarchy ministry, or a FLDS sect.

In which case, shit is pretty fucking Saudi.

Coincidentally 3/4 of those groups are involved with GOP. Not deep-dicking involved perhaps, but some under-the-clothes heavy petting, finger gently circling the Duggar and Robertson families. Mike Huckabee is a sad, ridiculous joke who will be taken seriously by millions of Americans who aren’t Democrats, and deeply understand his fears about Beyonce. Because, by God, somebody has to ride herd over vaginas. Watch and learn as Jim Bob Duggar—Republican luminary, Mike Huckabee favorite—wrangles his daughters right up until he finds a younger Jim-Bob Duggar proxy man to knock them up.

Was that vulgar? Grossed out? It is, and you fucking should be. Traditional values porn is still fucking porn. The idea that “real” women are moms that understand they need to stand by their husbands no matter what is being sold, who’s buying it?

(Answer: the same people buying the most ass-intensive, sloppiest actually-about-fucking porn, because Madonna/Whore Complex is not a 80s band that toured with Siouxsie and the Banshees.

If someone made Fuck Dynasty, it would sell a million copies. In Colorado Springs.)

Oh, and it’s not a coincidence that the same people buying “family value” shit love it when Rush breathily explains his eye-fucking habits, and share those stupid photo collections of “Hot Conservative Babes.”

It’s not Saudi Arabia, it’s fucking halfway to Gilead.