
Virginia Challenges EPA Greenhouse Gas Finding

The Shadow Do2/19/2010 8:18:03 pm PST

re: #142

No. Not smart.
But he is the Governor, and he has the right to do it.

And citizens should become informed and raise hell to make sure the next Governor has a different outlook.

It’s how it works.

And I’m not trying to argue that this EPA rule is just grand; I can’t, I still have a bit of learning to do. I’m just saying the process is what it is and has been, there’s nothing new there, and if you take issue with the rule, become informed and make your opinion known.

Bottom line, I bowed up when I heard the EPA decided to tough trade Congress. Fuck their overbearing selves. I did not elect them. I hope someone in Congress is as ticked as I am and fires someone’s ever lovin EPA butt.