
Video: WH Communications Director Dunn Rips Fox News

Walter L. Newton10/12/2009 1:28:29 pm PDT

re: #138 tradewind

You have to wonder about the extremely thin skin at the WH communications office, though… as soon as Joe Scarborough joked about Obama’s peace prize, he received an email from Rahmbo’s office that said ’ don’t be an A—hole, Joe’…
and not in a joking manner. Wonder why they didn’t realize that Joe would read the email immediately, on air?
And this was MSNBC. They’re going to be playing whack-a-mole before long.

If the White House and the Obama administration is having problems with Fox, just give it a few more months. It’s certainly not to the level of Bush-bashing yet, but the networks, the cable stations and the assorted outlets for humor can’t survive just having a 24 hour Obama “love fest.”

The tide is turning, it’s called attracting viewers and readers, and the bottom line is money.

Obama, you can’t stop them from doing what they do best, making money.