
No Teleprompter for Sarah

Escaped Hillbilly2/07/2010 12:02:47 pm PST

If those were her crib notes, she did pretty darn good. Their are so short, so general, and so expected, she might as well not have bothered. And what makes anybody think they were the “answers” to the questions she was to be asked. The article cited suggests they mean she had to know the questions in advance. Not really. Lets see, taxes, budget cuts (or not), energy, and her own stupid “lift American spirits” catch phrase. Sounds like she was getting her thoughts together pre show and used her hand as a scratch pad. Of course they were going to ask questions that would lead to these answers. It’s not as if she wrote 6.5 million, protozoan, Abner Doubleday. She’s a dork. She did a dorky thing. But I don’t think she was being hypocritical. There is no comparison between teleprompters on which an entire speech written by others is displayed and four brief notes written in your own hand intended to remind you of your talking points. Nor is there evidence of cheating. She wasn’t taking the SATs. She was giving a speech. She has a right to remind herself of what she wants to mindlessly drone on about. This is a non issue really. Funny, but silly.