
Thursday Night Acoustic Jam: Adam Palma, "Kentucky Miners"

BlackPearl7/14/2017 8:18:44 am PDT

re: #142 Anymouse 🌹


I ran across a comment over at Wonkette in the middle of a discussion about sewing.

I know about as much about sewing as I do about high-speed stock trades, but the gist of the comment thread was someone found a Website that sells vintage clothing patterns by Simplicity, McCalls, &c.

I mentioned that to my wife, and she was “oboyoboyoboyoboy.” She jumped in and ordered patterns for mod clothes for me circa 1970 (that ought to go over well here), and a dress called a “walk-away wrap dress” that was so popular at the time (1952) that Butterick had to suspend production of all patterns to keep up with that one.

Ahem. And where is the link???