
'Jeffrey Dahmer Believed in Evolution'

iraqnophobic2/02/2009 10:10:23 pm PST

re: #55 shill

Teacake, we do know evolution, for sure. Evolution is simply the idea that biological change occurs… that life today is different than it was yesterday and will be different tomorrow. How that change is occurring is open for debate, but the fact that we change, that new lifeform traits come about, is easy to prove.

It could be that God meant to do it that way, of course. I don’t see why any Christian would want their faith to deny banal observations about the universe. Of course, most Christians do not want that.

If I’m reading this correctly (it’s late on the East Coast and we both write with many negatives!): you are saying that many Christians indeed want to deny empirical evidence of evolution. I’ve gotta disagree with you here. Certainly there is a VERY vocal minority of Christians that denies evolution, but for the majority it is as accepted as is the fact that that the Earth revolves about the Sun. God gave Man a brain for a reason: to use it.

There is supporting evidence for Man to make decisions on evolution just as there is supporting and cohesive evidence (historic, archeological, eyewitness, etc) for a man to make his decision on the accuracy of the Bible and the existence of Jesus Christ.