
John Oliver: Plastics Are Harming the Environment and Recycling Isn't Fixing It

Teddy's Person3/22/2021 3:51:58 pm PDT

re: #146 nines09

Tell him/her/them as you come in that you are just made crazy by the thought of a small needle going in you, and please don’t wave it in front of me. Humor me, hide it.
Yes. I’m a child. So just play along. Do I get a lollypop? GREAT!
I used to request to my dentist to give me a few minutes to compose myself, and don’t wave it around in front of me.
Play along.
99.9% will give you your time and play along.
Read the wall. Look out the window. Distract yourself.
I suffered years of anxiety just knowing I had to get a shot. Or bloodwork.
Compose. Breathe. Relax. This is a potential lifesaver from the stupid we must walk among.
It’s a good thing.

I’ve been there at both the dentist and eye doctor. Years ago I had this growth on the inside of my lower eyelid. My optometrist referred me to a plastic surgeon. He was not too concerned about it and asked if I wanted it removed. I said yes, thinking we’d schedule another appointment. He said okay and went about preparing to do it. I said wait a minute, I have to drive home. He told me that I could drive with one eye. I said okay and settled back in the chair. Next thing I see is the needle coming toward my eye. My entire body clenched, and I said “I’m gonna need a minute.” Thing is, I couldn’t close my eye or look away. But he was right. I could drive home with one eye. I just stayed in the right-hand lane and stayed off the beltway (I lived in the DC area at time). The rub was within a couple of months I had a similar growth on the other eyelid and had to do it all over again. Thankfully, it’s never come back.