
Tea Party 'Hero' Arrested For Rape, Stolen Grenade Launcher Discovered

SteveC1/20/2010 7:04:10 pm PST

re: #133 freetoken

On the RonPaulForums site, a thread started by senior member “Merk” on 18th, whose message is:

There are serious questions about the legitimacy of this arrest. Oathkeepers need to rally, in uniform, to this man. This is a classic move by the PTB... pull the molester card for a warrant and then go fishing… I’ve been watching this guys tubez on the interwebz for awhile and this looks like a “shut-him-up-anyway-you-can” type deal to me.

Ah yes, the true believers over on the forum that bears Ron Paul’s name…

Our man Merk need to learn that more people take you seriously when you don’t use your cute little Internet slang.

Being nuttier than a six acre peanut farm doesn’t help, either.