
Overnight CGI: Jet-Skiing the Cosmic Ocean to Orion Beach

Killgore Trout3/08/2014 7:59:12 am PST

re: #132 Justanotherhuman

Libya port rebels say exporting oil, escalating standoff

(Reuters) - Armed protesters controlling ports in eastern Libya said on Saturday they had started independently exporting oil, bypassing the central government in a major escalation of their blockade to demand a share of the nation’s petroleum wealth.

“The rebels, who have seized three major ports since August to demand more autonomy, warned Tripoli against staging an attack to halt the oil sale after a North Korean-flagged tanker docked at Es Sider.

“A local television station controlled by protesters showed footage of pro-autonomy rebels holding a ceremony and slaughtering a camel to celebrate their first oil shipment.”

I wonder if it’s related to this
Gaddafi Son Extradited to Libya

“[Gaddafi and his entourage] were enjoined to stay quiet and do nothing to destabilize Libya. And unfortunately, the Libyans gave us lots of information that they were not staying quiet,” Niger’s justice minister explained. “We couldn’t keep harboring people who were taking actions that destabilized Libya.”