
It's Official: “MRA” Robert Stacy McCain Is Permanently Suspended From Twitter

CuriousLurker2/22/2016 1:57:05 pm PST

Drive-by: I was going thru the Twitchy article picking out wingnuts to proactively block and came across this little bit of melodrama:

*SNERK* Evil liberals tricked them all into signing up for Twitter and now they’re being cut off. Poor, poor widdle wingnuts. What happened to free market capitalism and the Randian notion of I’ve-got-mine-so-screw-you and all that? They could’ve started their own micro-blogging platform—they still can. C’mon all you conservative manly men, stop sniveling, put on your big boy panties, and grab those boot straps!

Okay, back to the salt mines for me…