
Video: John Oliver on Trump's Hostile Relationship With the Truth

ObserverArt2/13/2017 4:32:53 pm PST

You know, back two or so years ago you could tell that the GOP passed out talking points because everyone stuck to them and it was easy to see.

I think they have gone from talking points to lying points. Yes, they are all on board yakking out the same lies.

One of the big ones going right now is this BS about who is giving Republican Congress members hell at their meetings. From paid demonstrators to out-of-state callers, it is all bullshit.

But keep it up. Pissing off your own backers is a key for a quick turnaround of the Congress. And even if some of the demonstrators are Democrats/liberals/progressives they are still their constituents. So piss ‘em off and steel them to vote against you and make sure they do turn up at the voting booths.

Overall, lying doesn’t make anyone look good in the long run. It just solidifies the thinking that politician can’t be trusted.