
Hot Air Comments of the Day

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce10/27/2009 6:38:31 pm PDT

re: #34 EastSider

Wow. This is just a basic misunderstanding of representative government.

Also, many of these secessionist states would be losing money by leaving the federal government.


Also, I’d wonder how Texans (an oft cited state above) would react if they somehow succeeded in a peaceful secession and NASA, US Military bases, the Federal reserve and any other federal institutions picked up shop and left.

If only we had some example from American history to give us some idea what it might look like if real, no-shit secession was actually attempted. It would be interesting to see what might happen, given that there would surely be deep divisions, even within the secessionist states, possibly even bifurcating cities, towns, and even individual families.

Why, I bet everything would go smooth as silk. The Rick Perryites would have a little secession parade, chanting “nyah nyah neenya nyah!” and the Feds would be all, “aww, rats. They sure showed us!”.

I bet there wouldn’t be carnage and brother-vs-brother tragedy on an epic scale. I bet Al Qaeda would totally use that period of chaos to just sit back and enjoy Miller Time, and would respectfully not try to add to the confusion. Other countries with real military, economic, and/or political stakes in the ultimate fate of the US would just sit back and not become involved at all. Russia, China, the EU, Japan, the Koreas… they’d just be all, “whoa dude, we’re just gonna sit over here and play Guitar Hero and totally not start fucking around in your business and then start fucking around with each other. It’s just not worth our time. What happens to you is your business, and doesn’t affect us at all. Seriously!”