
Overnight Open Thread

Gang of One7/04/2010 7:28:27 am PDT

re: #148 Ebetty

Yup, I jumped ship yesterday with just enough time to catch my breath before the barge hit me in the head. Oh he’ll call, blame me for being a daft woman. He’s always sure I am wrong. But this time, I’m not wrong. He’s a heartless, abusive, manipulator who will end up alone. His legacy will be the stench after his 95 year old body rots and stinks up his townhouse. No one will be there when he’s old because he will have alienated anyone who cares. His love is more like a cancer.

Great news, my chemo worked. No radiation necessary. I am outta there!!!

Time for happy juju, good friends, some Italian wine and lots of fireworks. Planning a vacation too. Italy HERE I COME! (with my kid, going to visit friends there!)

God bless, Ebetty, for your remission and for taking your life back from the Dickhead