
Thanksgiving Day Pages

Bubblehead II11/25/2010 8:23:15 pm PST

re: #151 Varek Raith

Meh, you Feds agreed to the Treaty of Algeron.
I mean, lol, only a fool would gimp themselves like that!

From your link.

looks like we came out on the better side.

A secret amendment added to the treaty in 2371 allowed for the limited supervised use of at least one cloaking device on loan from the Romulans. Operation of the cloaking device was to be limited to the Gamma Quadrant. In return, the Romulans would receive all information the Federation obtained on the USS Defiant’s voyages into the Gamma Quadrant, most importantly any information concerning the Dominion. As such, the Defiant was the only Federation ship to be permanently equipped with a cloaking device. (DS9: “The Search, Part I”, “Visionary”) However, Captain Benjamin Sisko and his crew violated this amendment on several occasions by using the cloaking device in the Alpha Quadrant. (DS9: “The Way of the Warrior”, et al)

We won, You lost. Get over it.