
Video: Breitbart Laughs As He Shows Weiner Photo to Shock Jocks

Mad Prophet Ludwig6/08/2011 10:12:24 pm PDT

re: #149 Dark_Falcon

BTW Ludwig, just so you know the ‘fan club’ is blogstalking your posts and spewing at them tonight.

[waves to the Stalkers]

Lol… It has been months since I’ve looked over there…

Let me guess they are angry that I pointed out that there are very serious questions to be asked about whether or not Justice Thomas is dirty?

Or is it that they are upset that every sane person still knows that Breitbart is a malicious liar and a con artist who has committed crimes he will pay for in a court of law?

Or is it that they are upset that science is still proving their idiotic delusions about AGW disastrously wrong, and that I have correctly pinned them as too stupid to get it?

That one saddens me the most as a source of irony. If there were one thing in my whole life I wish I were completely wrong about, it is AGW… Unfortunately, all that math and physics keeps adding up, and the predicted droughts in China, the US SW and Australia, and the predicted disasters along the Mississippi and all of those killer tornadoes, and the predicted winter weather patterns keep showing it all to be terribly true.

Or is it simply that they are the same obsessed pathetic lowlifes they have always been and they hate the fact that everyone here is so very much smarter and better educated than they are.