
Fake Outrage of the Day: Hilary Rosen Criticizes Ann Romney, Right Wing Goes Nuts

jamesfirecat4/12/2012 10:47:52 am PDT

re: #133 carlaschluge

You’re wrong on all counts. There is no GOP movement to outlaw birth control. Where are the facts to back that up? (crickets)

The GOP is not trying to redefine when pregnancy starts. I don’t see that anywhere on the GOP’s platform. GOP against equal pay? Wrong again. By the way, check out Pres. Obama’s White House staff, where women are paid 18% less than men.

The whole so-called “war on women” is ginned up fakery, and Rosen is responsible for it backfiring. Now there is a war on motherhood, and it ain’t the Republicans fighting that war. Democrats, say buh-bye to soccer moms.

If the GOP isn’t against Equal Pay why did so many of them vote against the Lilly Ledbetter fair pay act?