
Tea Party Leader Warns GOP Pols: We're 'Turning Our Guns' On You

Kragar1/06/2010 1:21:44 pm PST

The real Frankenstein experiment: One man’s mission to create a living mind inside a machine

Professor Markram’s ‘Blue Brain’ project, must rank as one of the most extraordinary endeavours in scientific history.

If this 47-year-old South-African Israeli is successful, then we are on the verge of realising an age-old fantasy, one first imagined when an adolescent Mary Shelley penned Frankenstein, her tale of an artificial monster brought to life - a story written, quite coincidentally, just a few miles from where this extraordinary experiment is now taking place.
Success will bring with it philosophical, moral and ethical conundrums of the highest order, and may force us to confront what it means to be human.

But Professor Markram thinks his artificial mind will render vivisection obsolete, conquer insanity and even improve our intelligence and ability to learn.