
New From Keith Olbermann: The Surprisingly Easy Way to Get Rid of Donald Trump

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷11/23/2016 2:20:09 pm PST

re: #141 Targetpractice

Really, few things have driven me into a frothing rage in the past two weeks than the ranks of pale white Bros going “the DNC needs to ditch minorities and women and work to appeal to white assholes!” Why? BECAUSE THESE FUCKERS SPENT MONTHS SAYING THAT’S WHAT HILLARY WOULD DO! FFS, you couldn’t go a day without being told by the Bros that as soon as she won the nomination, she was going to swing back to the center and try to appeal to conservative voters. They spent months asserting that the pivot was coming “any day now.” And now, after the “working class” (aka white men) voted overwhelmingly for Trump, we’re told the DNC needed to appeal to them.

Things that make you wanna chug anti-freeze.

I still wonder how many of these so-called Bros are actually Sanders supporters (after all, Senator Sanders threw his support behind Sec’y Clinton and encouraged his supporters to vote for, over 90% of whom did) and how many are rodent copulators.