
Carly Fiorina Insists Retired General Had a Dispute With Obama Even Though the Actual General Says He Didn't

Dr. Matt12/17/2015 5:18:56 am PST

I just saw this exchange. Glad to see someone in the MSM FINALLY challenges Trump on his bullshit racist birferism:

Matthews then asked again if Trump really thinks Obama is an illegitimate president, but the real estate mogul again insisted that he didn’t want to answer the question.

“I do think that’s a blemish. I think it’s your original sin,” Matthews told Trump about his birther past. “Because I’m an American, and I think our president should be respected. I think it has a little ethnic aspect to it. I don’t like it. He’s African American, and we’re saying he’s not a real president. I don’t like that. It’s not a good thing about you.”

As Matthews spoke, Trump only said, “I know how you feel,” and, “I understand.”

Judging by the exchange, apparently this is an off-limits question set by the Herr Trump campaign. Imagine if Candidate/President Obama had off-limit questions in 2008 or 2012.