
Seth Meyers: GOP Already Stonewalling Biden's Agenda; Rudy Giuliani Sued for Election Lies

steve_davis1/26/2021 3:22:44 am PST

re: #97 Targetpractice

Effectively what happened was a draw: The business of the Senate moves forward without any agreement to protect the filibuster from the “nuclear option,” but McConnell will retain leverage simply by knowing which two Dems he needs to keep happy in order to gum up the Senate’s gears when he so chooses.

It’s a dangerous game. It’s one thing to gum up the works when you’re Majority Leader and when nothing actually makes it to the senate well for a vote. Headline there is “congress gets nothing done.” It’s another when the majority leader is bringing everything the house passes to the well of the senate for a vote, and one side keeps using a parliamentary procedure to stop it from getting even taken up for debate. That headline is “republicans obstruct badly needed middle-class aid.”