
Sam Donaldson on the Daily Caller

Dark_Falcon6/17/2012 7:29:09 am PDT

And over on Stalker site “Diary of Daedalus Dorkus” long absent Stalker “panoftheforest” goes on a truly pathetic tirad on the “Twitter Wars” that showcases far right victim mentality perfectly. An excerpt (no link, since its the Stalkers):

I’ve noticed that some of our audience is not engaged in the twitter wars, and some of our posts have become disengaged in some of our Twitter War posts. Please allow me to explain why Twitter is important. Not only for the DOD, but for this election.

See, shortly after the Portly Proletariat met Rauhauser, he began stifling his critics on Twitter. No big deal, right? I mean it’s only Twitter. Wrong, the fat goon didn’t know it, but he’s found himself tangled in a web of liberal tactics to stifles conservative speak during an election year.

Look, he’s stupid and we all know it. This site is dedicated to showing that he’s a moron who Riverdances on his cock ad nauseum. However, he’s really got himself in some deep shit this round. We can usually speedbag the fat clown pretty good, but he’s in pretty deep on a conspiracy to silence conservatives that is now transcending Twitter. I know many of you don’t believe in the power of keeping the #Twittergulag as apparent as the holocaust museum, but I do. We ARE witnessing, in REAL TIME, the stifling of conservative speech, and the oppression of opposing views due to the “free media forum”.

Fight back. It’s as simple as that, and fight back at the fat bastard while you’re at it. This country is as much mine as it is the forces that SWAT me, criticize me, ban me from Twitter, and try to intimidate me. Rodan, Chen, Zappa, et al…We’re JUST bloggers, right? Take a look at this Malkin video: