
Joe Bonamassa Does Hendrix: "Are You Experienced?"

Anymouse ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿก๐Ÿ˜ท11/12/2016 12:46:56 am PST

re: #153 Alyosha

She ran the better campaign PERIOD.

Her opponent trashed and threatened every single group outside of white America.
If thatโ€™s what a better campaign looks like then I donโ€™t know what to tell you.
It was a molten, radioactive shitshow cobbled on the fly from start to finish.

White people love them some mediocrity methinks.

Oh I agree that hers was the better campaign in terms of policy and inclusiveness and experience and a whole host of other metrics compared to the fascist talking yam that is now President-elect.

It was not the better campaign on educating the voters about the dangers of said-same yam, because he got elected. The only campaign that counts in the end is the one that wins. Politics is a blood sport, and while Mr. Trump has no political experience, he is excellent in blood sports.