
Hilarious Rush Limbaugh Post of the Day

What, me worry?10/15/2009 11:41:06 am PDT

re: #148 Thanos

That was a mistake. Racism doesn’t know political bounds.

E.G. We could start with most of the members of ISM, go to Wright, Jackson, or look at that Icon of the left, Ghandi. I believe Hillary has made some questionable comments as well.

Hillary’s a bigot? Oh please.

Members of the ISM? And who except for maybe some indy media types actually respect them?

Wright and Jackson are not icons of the left. Even blacks are embarrassed about Jackson, I’m assuming you mean Jesse. Neither of these men are leaders of Democrats.

Rush is a leader. The chairman of the RNC apologized TO HIM.

But you are correct that it’s not something drawn on party lines. Certainly there are bigots of all stripes on both sides. The ones I’m most worried about are the ones that people are listening to and agreeing with.