
Wired Takes on the Anti-Vaxers

nonic10/21/2009 7:59:09 am PDT

re: #130 funky chicken

Because we don’t all go thrashing through the African jungle?

Persons infected with any disease can carry it to another location on a plane or boat.

We don’t routinely vaccinate against rabies either, but the CDC recommends rabies vaccinations for folks who travel to some areas where rabies is endemic.

NOBODY gets rabies vaccine unless they have had known contact with an animal that is known to be or might be rabid.

You got a smallpox vaccine, so you’re fine.

Actually, there is question as to whether innoculation 60 years ago is still protective. But that’s not really the point. I am looking at the question from an epidemiological point of view, not personal.

I’m sure some big city health departments still have smallpox vaccine available if you want to seek it out.

I’m sure they DON’T.