
Overnight Open Thread

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)8/28/2010 7:25:48 am PDT

re: #149 cliffster

It’s what you’re not saying. “All those idiots bashing Bush for Katrina need to STFU”. That is not what you’re saying. Instead, you’re saying, “well, kinda, sorta, y’know”. You can’t help but want to bash on Bush, even though you know it’s stupid, so you just get a couple of little indirect jabs in.

saturday morning psychology complimentary

And internet psychology is just as stupid as it always is, Cliffster. It’s not any better when you do it.

What more do I have to do other than say that I don’t think Bush bears almost any responsibility for the disaster, Blanco and Nagin were incompetent, local response will always be superior to federal?

What about what I’ve said— not what you’re projecting onto me— do you actually have a problem with?