
Monday Night "Total Loss" Open Thread

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/09/2015 10:38:30 pm PST

Let’s hear it for raw fish:

Cooking in high temperatures and genetic mutations drive higher risk of kidney cancer from meat

People taking diets high in meat should consider consuming it in moderation as it has been found that eating meat cooked in high temperatures could lead to higher risk of developing kidney cancer. Scientists also found that some people may be at higher risk due to genetic mutations that make them more vulnerable to dietary problems in meat.

A new study from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Centre shows that barbecues and pan-fried meats may increase the risk of developing the most common kidney cancer, known as renal cell carcinoma, or RCC. Meats cooked in high temperatures, or over an open flame, were found to have harmful compounds that affect the kidneys.

According to Cancer Council Australia, RCC accounts for about 90 percent of all cancer cases across the world. In Australia, kidney cancer is considered to be the sixth most common cancer in men, while eleventh most common cancer in women.

Cooking in such ways allow the formation of cancer-causing substances, called carcinogens, in meats. These substances include 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenyl-imidazo(4,5-b) pyridine, or PhIP, and amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo(4,5-f) quinoxaline, or MeIQx.
