
Seth Meyers on Trump's Latest Creepy Hate Rally

Hecuba's daughter6/22/2018 6:15:47 am PDT

re: #155 HappyWarrior

As an amateur genealogist, it amuses me how many of these people in and outside the administration have stuff like this going on. I’m sure it’s common. I’ve found a lot more genealogy records for my family than most Americans and I still haven’t found everything. I don’t judge because I don’t know the full story and you know what, I never will. But this much I do know. I know that great grandmother was pregnant with a grand uncle when she arrived in 1910. I know that a second great grandfather along with his siblings and parents as a small boy arrived from Ireland in a coffin ship. I know that his mother despite spending over 50 years here never spoke English.

Except the administration does not object at all to immigration — as long as it’s white Christian European immigrants. My brother supports immigrants of all nationalities as long as they are wealthy and can buy their way in; none of this “Give me your tired, your poor” nonsense.