
Interviews From Earth One: Sarah Kendzior

Hecuba's daughter5/03/2019 1:23:36 pm PDT

re: #142 Jack Burton

There were 11 articles of impeachment brought against Andrew Johnson. Two of them were basically: “Insulting Congress in speeches” and “Bringing disgrace to the Office”.

Clownstick’s shenanigans with heads of the FBI and DOJ are similar to what the other 9 charges were (having to do with appointments in the Department of War, trying to bypass Senate approval, etc.).

Even if there was no Russia issue or none of the other myriad of crimes he’s involved in, this alone is worthy of bringing an impeachment based on historical context.

And Johnson, facing a hostile Senate, escaped conviction. Yes, he should be impeached but only after Nancy has had sufficient hearings to persuade an unbiased jury of Trump’s guilt. Unfortunately, we are facing a situation where the entire Republican Party is compromised by a hostile enemy and where tens of millions of Americans support this relationship. And is there a single Republican out there who is capable of changing their existing views by reading the Mueller Report? Who is becoming concerned about the fate of our nation under the rule of this crime family?